Africa Sings

CfaN Resources

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Sing to the LORD, all the earth; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.

1 Chronicles 16:23

Have you ever felt the ground shake as hundreds of thousands of voices fill the atmosphere in song? Have you ever experienced the powerful sounds of real African Worship? It is an experience you will not forget.

Recorded live at Christ for all Nations Gospel Campaigns in Africa, let the African rhythms and melodies on this CD stir you to praise and worship in a whole new way as you listen to hundreds of thousands lifting their voices like a heavenly choir. Join your voice with the heavenly choir as Africa Sings.


  1. I Have Never Seen the Lord Change
  2. My God is a Good God
  3. He Arose (Preaching Segment by Reinhard Bonnke)
  4. Holy Spirit Thou Art Welcome
  5. Let it Rain
  6. The Cost of Salvation (Preaching Segment by Daniel Kolenda)
  7. Agnus Dei
  8. Alpha and Omega
  9. Liberation (Preaching Segment by Reinhard Bonnke)
  10. I Can See Everything Turning Around
  11. Jesus is Alive
  12. Africa Will Be Saved
  13. No Other Name (Preaching Segment by Daniel Kolenda)

Running Time: 40mins

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