Happy New Year to all our friends and partners! We pray 2025 is a blessed one for you!


CfaN Resources

Regular price £20.00

Thank you for your support of the ministry during this current crisis. 

We must press on, now more than ever. The time is short! We must work while it is day! As Jesus said, “the night is coming, when no man can work” (Jn 9:4). We KNOW that this pandemic will eventually END. We just need some critical help to weather this storm. Please don’t forget us in your giving. We need you now more than ever.  

You have to know that we simply could not do what we do without YOU. You are greatly valued and so deeply appreciated. It is always comforting to know we have precious friends, like you, who care and understand… who are there to help when they know of a need.

Your Co-Labourer in the Harvest Field for Souls,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(with the whole CfaN worldwide team)

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