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The great deception of the 21st century


At a time when the church needs an urgent wake-up call and a fresh encounter with Jesus, the hyper-grace message is lulling many to sleep. Claiming to be a new revelation of grace, this teaching is gaining in popularity, but is it true? Or is the glorious truth of grace being polluted by errors, leading to backsliding, compromise, and even the abandonment of faith?

Hyper-Grace looks at the major teachings put forth by many adherents of this "grace reformation" and prayerfully compares those teachings with the Word of God, answering questions such as:

  • How do our sins affect our relationship with God?
  • What is the relevance of the Old Testament to our faith?
  • What does Jesus actually have to say about grace?

Without watering down the Bible's true message of grace, Michael Brown gives you the facts, demonstrating the dangers of this seductive message and showing you how to keep from being taken in.

Hyper-Grace by Michael L. Brown was published by Charisma House in February 2014 and is our 5628th best seller.

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