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Ticked Off by Dr Crozier

Guest Authors

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Dr. Crozier's life was turned upside down when as a child he went from being a fun and adventurous little boy to being sickly, bed-ridden, and depressed. Pediatricians could make no sense of it and of course never asked about a tick bite. His symptoms eventually subsided, but then recurred throughout his teenage years and into adulthood. Through a complex and years-long journey, Dr. Crozier discovered he had Lyme Disease. He began to research Lyme: Reading about it, talking to other physicians and scientists, and then working with hundreds of patients who all expressed similar symptoms.

In Ticked Off, Dr. Crozier shares what he's learned about Lyme. The purpose is to give you a perspective on Lyme you probably haven't heard before:

  • The many signs and symptoms of Lyme disease, and how to recognise them as Lyme.
  • The importance of a proper Lyme diagnosis and testing.
  • How knowing and understanding your genetics (your DNA) can help you find relief and even a cure.
  • 5 things you can do now to begin to alleviate your Lyme symptoms.
  • How some patients find faster and longer-lasting remission using IV-therapy.

Dr. Crozier knows firsthand how Lyme can destroy lives. He's angry for all his patients who are suffering without effective treatment or relief from their symptoms. He's also angry that traditional medicine and the medical research community is not taking Lyme seriously. But he's turned his anger into a POSITIVE and HOPEFUL passion to help someday find a cure to Lyme, and to find treatments that will help his patients get their lives back like he did.

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